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Research Summary
European politics; American politics; international security.
Courses & Teaching
Comparative politics; American and European politics, imperialism; war.
PhD, London School of Economics
MA, Carleton University
Selected Publications & Presentations
War, Strategy, and the Modern State, 1792-1914, (London: Routledge, 2017).
“The Key to Midway: Coral Sea and a Culture of Learning, Naval War College Review, Vol.68, No.1 , 2015: 119-127.
“Weaving National Narrative: 1812 and the Atlantic Community,” Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Vol.12, No.3, 2014: 304-323.
“The Pivot in Perspective: America Naval Power, Then and Now,” Orbis, Vol.58, No.3, 2014: 392-412.
“Full Circle: Two Decades of NATO Intervention,” Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Vol.11, No.4 2013: 350-367.
“Would to Heaven that the Comparison Were Just: The French Revolution in America,” Groniek History Journal, No.197, 2013: 393-404.
“Rebalancing Priorities: America, Europe, and Defence Austerity,” E-lnternational Relations, March 5, 2012.
“An Ocean Apart: The Legacy of the Bush Years in Transatlantic Security,” Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Vol.8. No.3, 2010.
“Short Shrift for the Long War: NATO’s Neglect of the Afghan Mission,” International Journal, Vol.65, No.1, 2009/10.
“Theodore Roosevelt and the Transoceanic Naval Arms Race, 1897-1909,” Theodore Roosevelt Association Journal, Vol.30, Nos.1 &2, 2009.
“Old Wine and Old Bottles: Anti-Americanism in Britain, France and Germany,” Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Vol.?. No.2, 2009.
“A Whiff of Cordite: Theodore Roosevelt and the Transoceanic Naval Arms Race, 1897- 1909,” Diplomacy & Statecraft, Vol. 19, No.14, 2008.
“Strategic Drift in the Expeditionary Era,” Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Vol.5, No.1 , Spring, 2007.
“America’s Empire by Default,” Orbis, Vol.49, No.1 Winter, 2005.
“Atlanticism and Pax Americana.” International Journal, Vol.60, No.1 Winter
Atlanticism for a New Century: The Rise, Triumph and Decline of NA TO, (Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, 2004 ).
The Port of Mars: The United States and the International Community,”Journal of Military Ethics, Vol.2, No.2, 2003.
Politics in North America: Canada, Mexico & the United States, with Robert J. Jackson,
Gregory Mahler, and Holly Reynolds (Toronto: Prentice-Hall, 2003).
NA TO for a New Century: Expansion and Intervention in the Atlantic Alliance (Westport: Praeger, 2002)
“Woodrow Wilson in Our Time: NATO’s Goals in Kosovo,”Parameters, Vol.31, No.1 Winter 2001 .
“Casual War: NATO’s Kosovo Intervention,” Ethics & International Affairs, Vol.14, 2000.
‘Turkey and the Pale Light of European Democracy,” Mediterranean Politics, Vol.4, No.3, 1999.
Redefining European Security (New York: Garland Publishing, 1999).
“Germany and the Limits of Soft Security,”European Security, Vol.?, No.3, 1998.
“Great Power Europe: A Work on Progress?” International Journal, Vol.53, No.3, 1998.
“Botching the Balkans: Germany’s Recognition of Croatia and Slovenia,” Ethics & International Affairs, Vol.12, 1998.
All of the People, All of the Time: American Government at the End of the Century (New York: Peter Lang , 1998 ).
The Trammels of Tradition: Social Democracy in Britain, France, and Germany (Westport: Greenwood, 1994 ).
“The Politics of Programmatic Renewal: Postwar Experiences in Britain and Germany,”
West European Politics, Vol.16, No.1 , January 1993.
“The Long Fifties: The Politics of Socialist Programmatic Revision in Britain, France and Germany”, Contemporary European History, Vol.2, No.1, March 1993.
“The Federal Republic and the Future of Europe,” German Politics, Vol.1, No.2, August 1992.
Shepherd of Democracy? America and Germany in the Twentieth Century, Co-edited with Catha! J . Nolan (Westport: Greenwood, 1992).
“Knowing Better: Weimar Intellectuals and the German Republic,” European History Quarterly, Vol. 21 , No.2. April 1991.
“The Future of Four Wheels: Government and the Automobile Industry in France and Germany, 1971-1985,” Governance, Vol. 4. No.1, January 1991 .
“The Supremacy of Politics: Federalism and Parties in Western Europe,” West European Politics, Vol. 10, No. 2, April 1987.
“Three Ways to Lose a Republic: The Electoral Politics of the Weimar SPD,” European History Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 2, April 1987.
“Canadian Regionalism or Canadian Federalism?” Carleton Occasional Papers, No.10, 1984.